5 Diagnostics5.2 Acknowledgment of error messages116 DS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com5.1.4 Motor consuming too much currentPossible causes:• motor overload.• Ramp time (t-Start) too long.• start voltage too low (U-Start).• start voltage too high (U-Start).5.1.5 Connected motor overheatingPossible causes:• Ramp time (t-Start) too long.• too many starts in succession.• start voltage too high (U-Start).• Heavy starting duty with this motor rating not or only not sufficientlyallowed for when selected.5.2 Acknowledgment of error messagesPotential fault sources can be determined by checking the indications andflashing frequencies of the RUN and Error LEDs and using tables 18 to 21.Once the source of a fault has been fixed or eliminated, a restart can becarried out.Certain error messages can be acknowledged during operation if• The control signal on terminal +A1 is switched off and then back on• The corresponding bits are set again if SmartWire-DT-based control isbeing used