3 Installation3.6 Insulation testDS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com 913.6 Insulation testThe soft starters of the DS7 series are tested, delivered and require noadditional testing.If insulation testing is required in the power circuit of the motor feeder, youmust consider the following measures.• Checking the motor cable insulationDisconnect the motor cable from the connection terminals 2/T1, 4/T2 and6/T3 from the soft starter and from the motor (U, V, W). The insulationresistance of the motor cable between the individual phase conductorsand between each phase conductor and the protective conductor can bemeasured. The insulation resistance must be greater than 1 MΩ.• Checking the mains cable insulationDisconnect the mains cable from the mains power supply and from theconnection terminals 1/L1, 3/L2 and 5/L3 of the soft starter. Theinsulation resistance of the mains cable between the individual phaseconductors and between each phase conductor and the protectiveconductor can be measured. The insulation resistance must be greaterthan 1 MΩ.• Checking the motor insulationDisconnect the motor cable from the motor (U, V, W) and open thebridge circuits (star or delta) in the motor terminal box. The insulationresistance can then be measured between the individual motor windings.The measurement voltage must at least match the rated operatingvoltage of the motor but is not to exceed 1000 V.The insulation resistance must be greater than 1 MΩ. CAUTIONOn the control signal and the connection terminals of the softstarter, no leakage resistance tests are to be performed with aninsulation tester.→ Consider the notes from the motor manufacturer in testing theinsulation resistance.