8 SmartWire-DT8.9 ProgrammingDS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com 1598.9.3 Cyclic data8.9.3.1 IntroductionThe amount of cyclic input / output data (process data) for the DS7-SWD softstarter can be adjusted as necessary for the application at hand by using thevarious profiles. These profiles are selected in the hardware / PLCconfiguration program (in the SWD-Assist program, for example).There are a total of 11 cyclic profiles available for selection. The followingsections describe these profiles in detail.Profiles 1 to 9 are designed for operating a DS7-SWD soft starter with aPKE motor-protective circuit-breaker:• Profiles 1, 2, and 3 (DS7 as contactor): DS7-SWD PKE1 to DS7-SWD PKE3This group supports the operation of a DS7-SWD soft starter, which willbehave like a contactor in this case. Accordingly, these profiles matchthe motor starter profiles for the PKE-SWD-32 motor-protective circuit-breaker.• Profiles 4, 5, and 6 (short): DS7-SWD PKE 1-8bit to DS7-SWD PKE3-8bitThis group complements the motor starter profiles with the I/O-linkprofile.Control and status data will be processed as per the I/O-link profile.• Profiles 7, 8, and 9 (long): DS7-SWD PKE1-PD 2x16 bit to DS7-SWDPKE3-PD 2x16 bitThis group complements the motor starter profiles with the PROFIdriveprofile that the PROFIBUS User Organization (PNO) has defined for thecyclic exchange of data with drives. Control and status data will beprocessed as per the PROFIdrive profile.Profiles 10 and 11 are designed for operating a DS7-SWD soft starter withouta PKE motor-protective circuit-breaker:• Profile 10 (Short): DS7-SWD 8 bit• Profile 11 (Long): DS7-SWD PD 2x16 Bit = WordProfile 11 will be set by default.When using profiles 10 and 11, a DS7-SWD soft starter > 32 A can also beused optionally with an upstream NZM as a safety device.