7 Connection examples7.3 Size 3 and 4 (41 – 200 A)DS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com 1377.3.5 Compact motor starter with maintenance switchDS7 soft starter, NZM circuit-breaker and P3 maintenanceswitchQ1 = Cable and motor protectionQ21 = DS7 soft starterQ32 = Maintenance switch (local)F3 = optional semiconductor fuse fortype 2 coordination (in addition to Q1)M1 = Three-phase motorFigure 107: Motor starter with repair/maintenance switchM3 ~1L13L25L3PEPE2T14T26T3L1L2L3PEQ1Q21F3M1I > I > I >Q32Start/Stopp1 3 5 72 4 6U V W8TripONOFF