8 SmartWire-DT8.10 SmartWire-DT diagnostics212 DS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com8.10.2 Advanced SmartWire-DT diagnosticsWhen there is a collective diagnostic (input byte 0, bit 4 (DIAG)), theDS7-SWD soft starter will provide advanced diagnostic messages:Motor-protective circuit-breaker diagnostic messages (profiles 1 to 9)The following are the messages generated by the PKE motor-protectivecircuit-breaker:Table 42: PKE motor-protective circuit-breaker diagnostic messagesSoft starter diagnostic messages (profiles 1 to 11)The following are the messages generated by the DS7-SWD soft starter:Table 43: DS7-SWD soft starter diagnostic messagesDiagnostic alarm 15 hexIf the 1-0-A switch does not assume a clear position for longer than4 seconds, the DS7-SWD soft starter will be switched off and generatethe following error messages:• DIAG,• ERR (only profiles 4 to 11),• Diagnostic alarm 15 hex (→ table 43).In addition, the module’s SmartWire-DT diagnostic LED will flash green(frequency: 3 Hz).Value[hex]Meaning Remedy Notes3 No communicationBetween DS7-SWD softstarter and PKE trip blockCheck whether the PKE trip blockbeing used is a PKEXTUA-… tripblock.Check the PKE32-COMconnections and reconnect thedevice if necessary.The DS7-SWD can continue to beused in this state. The main circuitsare isolated by the PKE in the eventof an overload.In these cases, an enabled overloadfunction (ZMR) will not have anyeffect.Value[hex]Meaning Remedy Notes14 Internal communicationproblem in soft starter• If the error continues, switchthe supply voltage off/on• Check EMC• Replace soft starter–15 no unambiguous positionof the 1-0-A switch formore than 4 secondsMove the 1-0-A switch to one ofthe three defined positions.Value 00hex is signaled using inputbyte 0, bits 2 and 3.For more information, see below.19 There is a DS7-SWDsoft starter warning.Read warning PNU 860.0 and fixthe causeCorresponds to the WARN bit in thecorresponding input byte1A There is a DS7-SWDsoft starter fault.• Read fault PNU 944 toPNU 952• Fix the fault andacknowledge the errormessageCorresponds to the ERR bit in thecorresponding input byte