2 Engineering2.10 Cables, contactors, line filters40 DS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.comIn this case, a PKE motor-protective circuit-breaker is connected to theDS7-SWD soft starter with the PKE32-COM communication cable via thePKE-XTUA-… trip block. Data will be exchanged between the data interfacesof the PKE trip block.If the DS7-SWD soft starter is connected to a SmartWire-DT network, theDS7-SWD soft starter will transmit the data for the PKE trip block (currents)to a higher-level main controller (PLC).2.10 Cables, contactors, line filtersThe cables used must meet the requirements of locally applicableregulations at the site of installation.Large dimensioned cables and contactors are required when frequentstartups and high starting currents are expected. The load capacity limits ofthe contactors are listed in the relevant documentation. The appropriateassignment of mains contactor for the selected starting cycle of the softstarters is provided in appendix under page 223.The fuses and cable cross-sections to be selected for the incoming andoutgoing cables are also listed there.The specifications in the Appendix refer to:• use in control panels and machines,• installation in the cable duct,• a maximum ambient air temperature of +40 °C,• normal starting frequency.The fuses and conductor cross-sections depend on the rated operationalcurrent of the motor as well as the start cycle (operating frequency,overcurrent).No line filters or chokes are needed.→ In applications with an overdimensioned soft starter, theminimum connectable terminal capacity of the soft starter mustbe taken into account and the motor must be wired if necessarywith a larger conductor cross-section.→ When selecting the cable cross-section, take into account thevoltage drop under load.Compliance to further standards is the responsibility of the user.