2 Engineering2.11 Motor connection42 DS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com2.11.2 Connection and phase sequenceThe clockwise rotation of the motor shaft is achieved by connecting in phasesequence (clockwise rotating field with ascending numerical order of phasesand ascending alphabetical order of terminal designations). The operatingdirection of the motor shaft is reversed by swapping round two connectionphases.Figure 25: Connection and direction in which power flows in DS7 soft startersFigure 23: Not permissible neutral point earthingL1 L3L1 L3L2L2T1 T2 T3Figure 24: Operating direction with view on motor shaftL1 L2 L3U1 V2 W3L1 L2 L3U1 V2 W3MMotor2T1, 4T2, 6T3OutputMainsInput1L1, 3L2, 5L3