2 Engineering2.11 Motor connectionDS7 Soft starter 09/16 MN03901001Z-EN www.eaton.com 43For clockwise rotation, connect the motor and the DS7 soft starter to eachother as follows:Table 9: Connection of Soft starters and motorThe motor’s direction of rotation can be reversed with the DS7 soft starterif the soft starter is used together with a reversing contactor combination.When reversing the operating direction, the output of the soft starter mustbe disabled before the reverse switching is carried out. The rotating fielddirection at the input will always match the rotating field direction at thesoft starter’s output (→ chapter 7, “Connection examples”).2.11.3 Delta connectionSupply system(Mains)Soft starter input(Input)Soft starter output(Output)Motor(Motor)L1 1L1 2T1 U1L2 3L2 4T2 V1L3 5L3 6T3 W1PE (polyethylene) in size 3 and size 4only: PE, in size 3 and size 4only: PE, PE, → Using inside-the-delta wiring, also referred to as a six-wireconnection (soft starter thyristors in series with the individualmotor windings and with six connection cables), is notpermissible when using a two-phase controlled DS7 soft starter!