3-2 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEOVERVIEW CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION3Figure 3-1: IEC 61850 and device overviewThe Process block at the bottom of the figure represents power system components monitored and controlled by the IED,such as circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and current and voltage instrument transformers. These are connectedtypically through conventional copper wiring to IEDs, although the possibility exists with some IEDs for connection viaEthernet communications, such as IEC 61850 process bus. The copper wiring typically connects the IED to statusmonitoring mechanical contacts, secondary windings of current and voltage transformers, and trip and close circuits.These process signals are represented in the figure by the lines connecting the Process block to the Traditional relayfunctions block inside the IED.The Traditional Relay Functions block consist of protection, control, and monitoring functions, such as phasor and rootmean square (RMS) estimators, distance protection elements, overcurrent elements, reclosing, and predictive maintenancemonitors. The input and output signals of these functions (other than the process signals) are represented in the figure bythe lines connecting the Traditional Relay Functions block to the Abstract Communications Service Interface. These signalsare typically Boolean and numeric signals, including FlexLogic operands, FlexAnalog operands, actual values, and URsettings, and can be communicated between IEDs using IEC 61850 communications.The Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) block translates the native names of the signals, names that vary indifferent manufacturers’ products, to names using a standard naming convention that are to be understood by all IEC61850 compliant devices. This is also called the information model. The signals with their standard names are called dataattributes, and are represented in the figure by the lines connecting the ACSI block to the Specific Communication ServiceMapping block. The next section details the ASCI block.The Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) block converts the ACSI signals to/from Ethernet messages, whichare carried by a local area network to/from other IEDs. The standard specifies several "services" for doing the translation,each of which is designed for different performance/capability needs. The main services, the ones implemented by URfamily devices, are as follows: