3-212 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS) CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION3LocSetAcsOff SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS LOC SETG OFF SecGSALLocSetAcsOn SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS LOC SETG ON SecGSALLosLife MV XFMR LIFE LOST actual values LosLifSPTRLosLifeRte MV DAILY RATE LOL actual values LosLifSPTRLosPkt1 SPS The lost packet threshold has been exceeded.The 87L DIFF CH 1 LOSTPKT operand, which becomes On when the differentialelement has detected the lost packet threshold has been exceeded on channel 1.LinDfPDIFLossLd ACT The high impedance fault phase A, B, C loss of load element has operated HiZPHIZLower SPS PID Lower operand. The PID 1 LOWER operand value. PIDRegFPIDMAC VSG Expected value of Destination MAC address field in messages subscribed to byRxGOOSE#LGOSMajorErr SPS Any of the major self-test errors generated (major error).The ANY MAJOR ERROR operand.LPHDManMod SPS Capacitor control in manual mode.The CAP 1 IN MAN operand.CapCtlGAPCMaxAsymOp1 SPS Asymmetry on the channel exceeded pre-set value.The 87L DIFF CH 1 MAX ASYM operand, which becomes On when the Asymmetryon channel 1 exceeded preset value.LinDfPDIFMaxCompHz MV The frequency of the learned maximum broken rotor bar spectral component.MAXIMUM COMPONENT FREQ. in Hz.BknRotSVBRMaxCompLevel MV Indicates the learned maximum level of the broken rotor bar spectral componentsince the last data clear.MAXIMUM COMPONENT LEVEL in dB.BknRotSVBRMaxIntrA MV Indicates Breaker Arcing Current per phase.BKR 1 AMP MAX phase A/B/C.CBArcΘSCBRMaxLoadDev MV Indicates the motor load standard deviation at the time when data for themaximum broken rotor bar was acquired.LOAD DEV. AT BRB MAX in x FLA.BknRotSVBRMaxMotLoad MV Indicates the average motor load at the time when data for the maximum brokenrotor bar was acquired.MOTOR LOAD AT BRB MAX in x FLA.BknRotSVBRMaxVal1 ASG Maximum value in deadband calculations TDCInGGIO1,TDCOutGGIO1MinorErr SPS Any of the minor self-test errors generated (minor error).The ANY MINOR ERROR operand.LPHDMinVal1 ASG Minimum value in deadband calculations TDCInGGIO1,TDCOutGGIO1MMSConnects MV Number of MMS client connections active LPHDMnlCls SPS Manual close initiated.The BREAKER 1 MNL CLS operand.Bkr0XCBRMnlOpn SPS Manual open initiated.The BREAKER 1 MNL OPEN operand.Bkr0XCBRMonth1 SPS Current month, where 1 = January.The MONTH operand.TmDayGAPCMotLoad MV The average motor load at the time of the broken rotor bar data acquisition stage.MOTOR LOAD AT BRB CALC. in x FLABknRotSVBRMotStatus ENS Indicated the status of the motor (in Actual Values) where 0 = Offline, 1= Starting,2 = Running and 3 = Overload.Thermal Model MOTOR STATUS.MotThmPTTRMotUnb MV % thermal model motor unbalance.THERMAL MODEL MOTOR UNBALANCE in percentage (%).MotThmPTTRNegTotVArh MV SRC 1 Total VAr-hour in negative direction EnrMtrMMTRNegTotWh MV SRC 1 Total Watt-hour in negative direction EnrMtrMMTRNeutOpn SPS Indicates source has lost voltage signal.The SRC1 VT NEU WIRE OPEN operand.VtffGAPCData objectnameCDC Semantics Used in logical nodes…