CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION PIXIT CONFORMANCE STATEMENTUR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-2233Table 3-228: PIXIT for Server modelTable 3-229: PIXIT for Setting group control modelTable 3-230: PIXIT for Reporting modelID Edition Edition Value / ClarificationSr1 1,2 Which analogue value (MX) quality bits aresupported (can be set by server)?Validity:Y GoodY InvalidN ReservedY QuestionableN OverflowN OutofRangeN BadReferenceN OscillatoryN FailureN OldDataN InconsistentN InaccurateSource:Y ProcessN SubstitutedY TestN OperatorBlockedSr2 1,2 Which status value (ST) quality bits aresupported (can be set by server)?Validity:Y GoodY InvalidN ReservedY QuestionableN BadReferenceN OscillatoryN FailureN OldDataN InconsistentN InaccurateSource:Y ProcessN SubstitutedY TestN OperatorBlockedID Edition Description Value / ClarificationSg2 1,2 What is the effect of when and how the non-volatile storage is updated(compare IEC 61850-8-1 16.2.4)?Not applicableSg6 2 When ResvTms is not present how long is an edit setting group locked? 60 secondsID Edition Description Value / ClarificationRp3 1,2 Can the server send segmented reports? YRp4 1,2 Mechanism on second internal data change notification of thesame analogue data value within buffer period (Compare IEC61850-7-2 report immediatelyRp7 1,2 What is the buffer size for each BRCB or how many reports canbe buffered?36864 bytesRp10 1,2 What is the scan cycle for binary events?Is this fixed, configurable?All Boolean and Dbpos typevalues in "fast" datasets arescanned for 1/8 cycle (2.0 msat 60 Hz, 2.5 ms at 50 Hz).All values in "slow" datasetsare scanned for every 100ms.FixedRp12 2 After restart of the server is the value of ConfRev restored fromthe original configuration or retained prior to restart?Retained prior to restart