CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION SCL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (SICS)UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-2213Table 3-226: SCL conformance statementURfirmwareUR SetupsoftwareValue/commentsICD Export Yes YesI11 Fix ICD file (no adaptable export needed) Yes YesI12 Export of ICD file or IID file according to IEDpreconfiguration performed by toolI13 State the data model name space (61850-7-3subclause 7.2) within ICD file (LLN0.NamPlt.ldNs value)Yes YesI14 State the data model version (61850-7-3 subclause7.8.3) and any predefined / fixed configuration valueswithin ICD file ( YesI15 Version 2003 exportI16 Version 2007 export Yes YesI17 Predefined data setsI18 Predefined control blocks Yes YesI19 Substation bay template with IED partI110 Communication section with default address Yes YesI111 Export correct valKind value (Table 46)I112 Exports internal addresses as InRef or Input section(subclause 9.3.13)Yes YesI113 Exports internal addresses in Input section withexpected serviceType (subclause 9.3.13)I114 Exports in UTF-8 coding Yes YesSCD import If renamedCIDYesI21 Identify IED to be configured in SCD file by IED name YesIP addressis used tolocate theIED nameYesI22 Configure LD name (at least via ldInst, dependent onthe IED capabilities) and IED addresses from SCDYes YesI23 Determine communication side addresses of IED inputsfrom SCDYes YesI24 Determine and use clock communication addressesfrom SCDI25 Configure values of (existing) control block from SCD(9.3)Yes YesI26 Prepare (new) control block instances according to SCDfileI26 Prepare / configure data sets according to SCD file Yes YesI28 Modify predefined data sets according to SCDI29 Interpret client references in the control blocks of otherIEDs to find the control block instances allocated to thisIED, and data sent to this IED.Yes YesI210 Set IED configuration values and parameter values asdefined in SCD fileYes Yes Where configurableI211 Support changed (reduced capability) valKind (e.g. fromSet to RO or to Conf) (able 46)I212 Support ldName on other IEDs (9.3.4) Yes YesI213 Interpret input signal references to source controlblocks (9.3.13)Yes YesI214 Imports UTF-8 coding of XML Yes YesIID export after IED engineering Yes Yes