3-42 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS) CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION33.5.2.7 B90 end fault protection (B_Efp)This element is instantiated in the following products: B90.Table 3-26: B90 end fault protection data objects3.5.2.8 B90 instantaneous overcurrent (B_Ioc)This element is instantiated in the following products: B90.Table 3-27: B90 instantaneous overcurrent data objects3.5.2.9 B90 time overcurrent (B_Toc)This element is instantiated in the following products: B90.setSrcRef ObjectReference SP BUS ZONE #τ STATUS setting reference to the data attribute to input R/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CLNName: B_EfpPIOC# LDevice inst: Prot UR element: B90 End fault protection element # functiondata obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/CStr ACD EFP # PKP operand Rgeneral BOOLEAN ST EFP # PKP RdirGeneral ENUMERATED ST 0, the code for unknown. It is unknown asthe element is non-directionalROp ACT EFP # OP operand Rgeneral BOOLEAN ST EFP # OP RDpo SPS EFP # DPO operand, which is the inverseof EFP PKPRstVal BOOLEAN ST EFP # DPO RInRefγ1 ORG EFP# BREAKER OPEN setting for settinggroup γ.RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP EFP# BREAKER OPEN for groupγ.reference to the data attribute to input R/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CInRefγ2 ORG EFP# MANUAL CLOSE setting for settinggroup γ.RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP EFP# MANUAL CLOSE for groupγ.reference to the data attribute to input R/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CBlkRefγ ORG EFP# BLOCK setting for setting group γ. RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP EFP# BLOCK for group γ. reference to the data attribute to input R/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CLNName: B_IocPIOC# LDevice inst: Prot UR element: B90 Instantaneous Overcurrent element #data obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/CStr ACD IOC # PKP operand, which indicates thatOp operates when delay expiresRgeneral BOOLEAN ST IOC # PKP RdirGeneral ENUMERATED ST 0, the code for unknown ROp ACT IOC # OP operand Rgeneral BOOLEAN ST IOC # OP RDpo SPS IOC # DPO operand RstVal BOOLEAN ST IOC # DPO RBlkRefγ ORG IOC# BLOCK setting for setting group γ RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP IOC# BLOCK Reference to the data attribute to input R/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP Source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CLNName: B_DifPDIF# LDevice inst: Prot UR element: B90 Bus zone # differential element functiondata obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/C