CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION MODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS)UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-1573Table 3-179: Disconnect switch DiscCILO data objectsPos DPC Disconnect position control and status R/CtrlstVal CODED ENUM ST Disc0XSWI#.Pos.stVal RstSeld BOOLEAN ST The controllable data status is “selected” RpulseConfig PulseConfig CF RpulseConfig.cmdQualENUMERATED 0 (pulse) RpulseConfig.onDur INT32U 2 RpulseConfig.offDurINT32U 0 RpulseConfig.numPlsINT32U 1 RctlModel CtlModels CF DiscCSWI# Pos ctlModel R/W/CsboTimeout INT32U CF DiscCSWI# Pos sboTimeout R/W/CsboClass SboClasses CF 0 (operate-once) RoperTimeout INT32U CF DiscCSWI# Pos operTimeout R/CLNName: DiscCILO# LDevice inst: System UR element: Disconnect Control element #data obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/CMod INC This logical node’s mode R/CtrlstVal ENUMERATED ST 1 (on) RctlModel CtlModels CF 0 (status only) RHealth INS This logical node’s health RstVal ENUMERATED ST LPHD1.PhyHealth.stVal REnaOpn SPS Enable Open status RstVal BOOLEAN ST The state of the operand selected bysetting XSWI# INTERLOCK OPNREnaCls SPS Enable Close status RstVal BOOLEAN ST The state of the operand selected bysetting XSWI# INTERLOCK CLSRInRef2 ORG XSWI# INTERLOCK OPN setting. RGEORG RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP XSWI# INTERLOCK OPN reference to the data attribute to input R/CVISIBLESTRING255SP Reference to the ultimate sourceof value selected by settingXSWI# INTERLOCK OPNR/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CVISIBLESTRING255SP If reference is external to thisIED, mapped to the source’sGOOSE control block, else emptystringR/CcdcNs VISIBLESTRING255EX Name of the GE Multilinnamespace at the time of thisfirmware releaseRcdcName VISIBLESTRING255EX GEORG RInRef3 ORG XSWI# INTERLOCK CLS setting. RGEORG RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP XSWI# INTERLOCK CLS reference to the data attribute to input R/CVISIBLESTRING255SP Reference to the ultimate sourceof value selected by settingXSWI# INTERLOCK CLSR/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CVISIBLESTRING255SP If reference is external to thisIED, mapped to the source’sGOOSE control block, else emptystringR/CLNName: DiscCSWI# LDevice inst: System UR element: Disconnect Control element #data obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/C