3-122 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS) CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION33.5.3.9 Capacitor control (CapCtl)This element is instantiated in the following products: C70.Table 3-145: Capacitor control data objectsunits.multiplier ENUMERATED 0 Rdb INT32U CF BknRotSVBR1.MaxLoadDev.db R/W/CzeroDb INT32U CF 0 RTmOfMax INS TIME OF MAXIMUM BRB actual value RstVal INT32 ST TIME OF MAXIMUM BRB actualvalueRunits Unit CF Runits.SIUnit ENUMERATED 4 Runits.multiplier ENUMERATED 0 RBknRotClr SPC Mapped to command CLEAR BROKENROTOR BAR DATAR/CtrlpulseConfig PulseConfig CF RpulseConfig.cmdQualENUMERATED 0 (pulse) RpulseConfig.onDur INT32U 0 RpulseConfig.offDurINT32U 0 RpulseConfig.numPlsINT32U 1 RctlModel CtlModels CF BknRotSVBR1.BknRotClr.ctlModel R/W/CsboTimeout INT32U CF 30000 RsboClass SboClasses CF 0 (operate-once) RoperTimeout INT32U CF 0 RLNName: CapCtlGAPC# LDevice inst: Ctrl UR element: Capacitor control element #data obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/CRemMod SPS CAP # IN REMOTE operand RstVal BOOLEAN ST CAP # IN REMOTE RLocMod SPS CAP # IN LOCAL operand RstVal BOOLEAN ST CAP # IN LOCAL RAutoMod SPS ”CAP # IN AUTO operand RstVal BOOLEAN ST CAP # IN AUTO RManMod SPS ”CAP # IN MAN operand RstVal BOOLEAN ST CAP # IN MAN RDischargingSPS ”CAP # DISCHARGING operand RstVal BOOLEAN ST CAP # DISCHARGING ROpOpn ACT CAP # BKR TRIP operand Rgeneral BOOLEAN ST CAP # BKR TRIP ROpCls ACT CAP # BKR CLOSE operand Rgeneral BOOLEAN ST CAP # BKR CLOSE RDischargeTmsMV CAP # DISCHARGE TIME in seconds RinstMag AnalogueValue MX RinstMag.f FLOAT32 CAP # DISCHARGE TIME actualvalueRmag AnalogueValue MX Rmag.f FLOAT32 instMag.f deadbanded Runits Unit CF Runits.SIUnit ENUMERATED 4, the code for time (s) Runits.multiplier ENUMERATED 0, the code for a multiplier of 1 RLNName: BknRotSVBR1 LDevice inst: Ctrl UR element: Broken Rotor Bar elementdata obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/C