2-10 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEFILE TRANSFERS CHAPTER 2: MODBUS COMMUNICATION2For the IEEE 2013 standard, to read binary COMTRADE oscillography files, read the following filenames, where # stands for16B, 32B, or 32F, and nnn stands for the oscillography trigger number.Table 2-11: Oscillography records for IEEE C37.111-2013, by data formatFor the IEEE 1999 standard, to read binary COMTRADE oscillography files, read the following files.Table 2-12: Oscillography records for IEEE C37.111-1999, by data formatFor HiZ records, only the ASCII 1999 format is supported. Reading data logger filesFamiliarity with the data logger feature is required to understand this description. See the Data Logger section of chapter 5in the Instruction Manual for details.For IEEE 2013, to read the entire data logger in binary COMTRADE format, read the following files.Table 2-13: Data logger records for IEEE C37.111-2013, by data formatFor IEEE 1999, to read the entire data logger in binary COMTRADE format, read the following files.Table 2-14: Data logger records for IEEE C37.111-1999, by data formatTo limit the range of records to be returned in the COMTRADE files, append the following to the filename before writing it:• To read from a specific time to the end of the log: startTime• To read a specific range of records: startTime endTime• Replace and with the number of seconds since Jan. 1 1970 as numeric text2.3.1.6 Reading event recorder filesTo read the entire event recorder contents in ASCII format (the only available format), use the following filename:EVT.TXTTo read from a specific record to the end of the log, use the following filename:EVTnnn.TXT(replace nnn with the desired starting record number)To read from a specific record to another specific record, use the following filename:EVT.TXT xxxxx yyyyy(replace xxxxx with the starting record number and yyyyy with the ending record number) Memory mappingBINARY BINARY32 FLOAT32 ASCIIMultiple files OSC16Bnnn.CFGOSC16Bnnn.DATOSC16Bnnn.HDROSC32Bnnn.CFGOSC32Bnnn.DATOSC32Bnnn.HDROSC32Fnnn.CFGOSC32Fnnn.DATOSC32Fnnn.HDROSC###Annn.CFGOSC###Annn.DATOSC###Annn.HDRSingle file OSC16Bnnn.CFF OSC32Bnnn.CFF OSC32Fnnn.CFF OSC###Annn.CFFBINARY ASCIIMultiple files OSCnnn.CFGOSCnnn.DATOSCnnn.HDROSCAnnn.CFGOSCAnnn.DATOSCAnnn.HDRBINARY BINARY32 FLOAT32 ASCIIMultiple files Datalog16B.CFGDatalog16B.DATDatalog32B.CFGDatalog32B.DATDatalog32F.CFGDatalog32F.DATDatalog###A.CFGDatalog###A.DATSingle file Datalog16B.CFF Datalog32B.CFF Datalog32F.CFF Datalog###A.CFFBINARY ASCIIMultiple files Datalog.CFGDatalog.DATDatalogA.CFGDatalogA.DAT