2-8 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEFILE TRANSFERS CHAPTER 2: MODBUS COMMUNICATION2Figure 2-1: COMTRADE utilityPreferences are set within the EnerVista software as follows.To set COMTRADE waveform display preferences:1. In the EnerVista software, click File > Preferences. The window opens. The preferences here affect only the type of fileretrieved by the software from Actual Values > Records, by single-click in the software, or by oscillography. The samefile can be retrieved in another format in the software under Maintenance > Retrieve File or some other means, suchas TFTP or MMS, by requesting the file with the file name that reflects the format wanted.2. Select the COMTRADE panel and set the options.IEEE 1999 — All UR releases support this standard. When this option is selected, no other options are selectable and 16bit binary data are used.Figure 2-2: Select the COMTRADE formatIEEE 2013 — UR 7.4 supports this standard.16 Bit Binary — UR 7.4 supports this.