12 System ConfigurationSystem Configuration provides access to functions that allow you to customize the system settingsand to utilities to help manage those settings. This chapter describes the settings managed by eachfunction and the process followed by each utility.NOTEConfiguration changes can cause data loss. After making configuration changes, you MUSTreturn to the Main Menu to ensure the changes are saved.Depending on which options were activated, some of these functions may not be available on yoursystem.12.1 Basic SetupThe Basic Setup function allows you to define the following information:• Institutional identification• Default physicians• System settings• ERGO option Stress test accessory (if the ERGO stress test option is activated)• System security• Time serversNOTEYou must add physicians in User Setup before they can be picked as default physicians. Formore information, see 12.9 User Setup on page 144.For more information on the ERGO and CFRA options, see 12.13 Options Setup on page 151.To access Basic Setup, on the Main Menu, press System Configuration> Basic Setup.The following tables describe each setting available on Basic Setup.122053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 104/198