If High Security Mode is enabled, when the window opens prompting for a user ID and password, usethe following procedure:NOTEIf you forgot the password, refer to 2.3.6 High Security Mode on page 44.1. In the User ID field, enter your user ID.2. In the Password field, enter your password.3. Press Login.The Resting ECG screen is displayed.If the Barcode Reader option is enabled, a window opens prompting you to Scan the Patientbarcode.4. If the barcode reader prompt is not displayed, press Cancel > More > Main Menu.2.3.2 Arrhythmia Power Up ModeThis procedure describes how to navigate to the Main Menu after powering on the system whenArrhythmia is selected for Power up mode in Basic Setup.NOTEIf you need to perform system setup functions, be sure you log in as a user who is assignedsetup editing privileges.If the system is configured for Arrhythmia Power Up Mode, and High Security Mode is not enabled,the Arrhythmia screen opens on Power up. To go to the Main Menu, press Cancel > More > MainMenu.If High Security Mode is enabled, when the window opens prompting for a user ID and password, usethe following procedure:NOTEIf you forgot the password, refer to 2.3.6 High Security Mode on page 441. In the User ID field, enter your user ID.2. In the Password field, enter your password.3. Press Login.The Arrhythmia screen is displayed.If the Barcode Reader option is enabled, a window opens prompting you to Scan the Patientbarcode.4. If the barcode reader prompt is not displayed, press Cancel > More > Main Menu.2.3.3 Main Screen Power Up ModeThis procedure describes how to navigate to the Main Menu after powering on the system when MainScreen is selected for Power up mode in Basic Setup.NOTEIf you need to perform system setup functions, be sure you log in as a user who is assignedsetup editing privileges.Operator Manual 2.3 Navigating the User Interface2053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 42/198