Fields DescriptionTest Connection Press to test whether the system can connect to the shared directo-ry.This field is available only if Allow Export Using Shared Directory isactivated.Fields DescriptionAllow Export Using FTP Determines whether ECG records can be exported to a FTP Serv-er. Available only if the LAN Communications to CardioSoft/CSoption (LANC), LAN Communications to MUSE option (LANM),Wireless Communications to MUSE option (WIFM) or WirelessCommunications to CardioSoft/CS option (WIFC) has been activa-ted.If this field is checked, the following six fields become available.Secured FTP (FTPS) Determines whether to set the FTP as a secured FTP.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using FTP field ischecked.FTP Server Identifies the FTP server and path. This field allows a maximum of256 characters. The format is ftp://ftp server/path.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using FTP field ischecked.Port Identifies the port for incoming IP connections. The port values rangefrom 1 to 65535.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using FTP field ischecked.Username Identifies the user name the system uses to log on to the FTP server.The user must have write permission to the specific path of the FTPserver. This field allows a maximum of 30 characters.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using FTP field ischecked.If the FTP server supports anonymous login, both the username andpassword could be blank.Continues on the next pageOperator Manual 12.5 Communication Setup2053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 129/198