1.7.3 Additional AssistanceGE Healthcare maintains a trained staff of application and technical experts to answer questions andrespond to issues and problems that may arise during the installation, maintenance, and use of thissystem.Contact your local GE Healthcare representative to request additional assistance.1.8 Manual InformationThis section provides information for the correct use of this manual.Keep this manual with the equipment at all times and periodically review it. You should request trainingassistance from GE Healthcare, if needed.1.8.1 Manual PurposeThe purpose of this manual is to provide the operator with information concerning the safety and use oftheir ECG system.1.8.2 Document ConventionsThis manual uses the following conventions. Typographical ConventionsConvention DescriptionBold Text Indicates keys on the keyboard, text to enter, or hardware items such as buttons or switches onthe equipment.Italicized-Bold Text Indicates software terms that identify menu items, buttons or options in various windows.CTRL+ESC Indicates a keyboard operation. A plus (+) sign between the names of two keys indicates thatwhile holding the first key, you should press and release the second key. For example, PressCTRL+ESC means to press and hold the CTRL key and then press and release the ESC key. Indicates that you must press the spacebar. When instructions are given for typing a precisetext string with one or more spaces, the point where you must press the spacebar is indicatedas . This ensures that the correct number of spaces is inserted in the correct positionswithin the literal text string. The purpose of the < > brackets is to distinguish the command fromthe literal text within the string.Enter Indicates that you must press the Enter or Return key on the keyboard. Do not type Enter.> The greater than symbol, or right angle bracket, is a concise method to indicate a sequence ofmenu selections.For example, the statement “From the main menu, select System > Setup > Options to openthe Option Activation window” replaces the following:1. From the main menu, select System to open the System menu.2. From the System menu, select Setup to open the Setup menu.3. From the Setup menu, select Options to open the Option Activation window. IllustrationsAll illustrations in the manual are provided as examples only. Depending on system configuration,screens in the manual may differ from the screens on your system.Operator Manual 1.8 Manual Information2053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 30/198