13.8 StorageStore the device in a clean and dry, well-ventilated area protected from dust, moisture, insects, vermin,and extremes of temperature and humidity.13.9 Cleaning and Disinfection AgentsThe products below are compatible with the device and may be used for cleaning and disinfection.• PDI Easy Screen Cleaning®• PDI Super Sani-Cloth®• Clinell® Sporicidal Wipes• PDI Sani-Cloth® AF3• Clorox Healthcare® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes• Clinell® Universal Range• Mikrozid® Sensitive Wipes• CaviWipes®• Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 75% (v/v)• Isopropyl alcohol 70% (m/m)• Propyl alcohol 50%• Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Wipes13.10 Additional Information• The cleaning and disinfection information is provided in accordance with ANSI/ AAMIST81, ISO17664. The recommendations provided above have been validated as capable of preparing non-sterile GE Healthcare MAC™ 2000 medical devices. It remains the responsibility of the user to makesure that the cleaning and disinfection are performed using appropriate equipment, materials,and personnel and achieves the desired result. This requires validation and routine monitoring ofthe process. Any deviation from the provided recommendations should be properly evaluated foreffectiveness and potential adverse consequences.• All users should be qualified personnel trained on hospital policies and procedures, and currentapplicable guidelines and standards.• Users should utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when cleaning anddisinfecting devices in accordance with the Department of Environmental and Occupational Healthand Safety’s (OSHA) blood-borne pathogen guidelines or equivalent.Operator Manual 13.8 Storage2053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 162/198