Fields DescriptionExport XML Determines whether ECG records are transmitted as XML. If this fieldis set, ECG records exported to anSD card are stored in both XML andHilltop formats.If this field is not set, ECG records exported to an SDcard are stored only in Hilltop format.NOTEThis field is displayed only if the M100 or M200 (Internalstorage) option is activated.Serial Baud Rate Determines the speed at which data is transmitted across the serialcommunications port when using a serial cable.NOTEThis field is displayed only if the Modem Communica-tions to CardioSoft (MODC) or Modem Communica-tions to MUSE (MODM) option is activated.Allow Export Using Shared Directory Determines whether ECG records can be exported to a shared net-work drive.NOTEThis field is displayed if the communication options(LANC, LANM, WIFM, or WIFC) is activated.If this fieldis checked, the following five fields become available(Share Name, Username, Password, Confirm, and Do-main). If this field is checked, the following five fieldsbecome available (Share Name, Username, Password,Confirm, and Domain).Share Name Identifies the name of the shared network drive. It must be the sharedrive’s name; IP addresses are not supported. This field allows amaximum of 256 characters.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using Shared Direc-tory field is checked.Username Identifies the user name that the system uses to log on to the shareddirectory. The user must be set up on the domain with the appropri-ate permissions to access the shared directory. This field allows amaximum of 30 characters.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using Shared Direc-tory field is checked.Password Identifies the password that the system uses to log on to the shareddirectory. This field allows a maximum of 30 characters.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using Shared Direc-tory field is checked.Confirm Re-enter the password in this field to confirm that the password wasentered correctly.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using Shared Direc-tory field is checked.Domain Identifies the user’s domain. This field allows a maximum of 30 char-acters.This field is available only if the Allow Export Using Shared Direc-tory field is checked.Continues on the next pageOperator Manual 12.5 Communication Setup2053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 128/198