Field DescriptionCardiographDevice NameIdentifies the name of the device on the network. By default, the value is set to GE_ber>. A valid network device name contains between 1 and 20 alphanumeric and underscorecharacters. The first character must be a letter.This field is available only if a LAN or Wireless option was activated.Serial/IP Redi-rector ListenPortIdentifies the port where the device should listen for incoming serial/IP connections. These commu-nications must match the values defined on the transmitting MUSE system.This setting only applies to the CSI protocol.Obtain an IPaddress auto-matically(DHCP)Determines whether the device automatically receives an IP address from the network.If this box is checked and LAN communication to a MUSE system is enabled, you must configure theDHCP server to reserve a static IP address for the device. Contact your network administrator forassistance.If this field is checked, the IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway fields are display only. If this field iscleared, you must complete those fields.IP Address Identifies the IP address of the device. If the Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP) field iscleared, you must define a unique IP address.Netmask Identifies the netmask of the device. If the Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP) field iscleared, you must define a netmask.Gateway Identifies the IP address of the gateway for the device to use. If the Obtain an IP addressautomatically (DHCP) field is cleared, you must enter the gateway’s IP address.Obtain DNSservice addressautomatically(DHCP)Determines whether the device automatically obtains a DNS (Domain Name Server) IP address. Ifthis field is checked, the following two fields are display-only. If this field is cleared, you must definethe IP address of the DNS servers to use.Preferred DNSServerIdentifies the IP address of the primary DNS server used to resolve Internet domain names.Alternate DNSServerIdentifies the IP address of the secondary DNS server used to resolve Internet domain names.Preferred WINSServerIdentifies the IP address of the primary WINS server used to resolve Windows host names.You must have the correct WINS address configured if you are using a shared folder for communica-tion.NOTEThis field only displays on the Wired LAN Settings screen.Alternate WINSServerIdentifies the IP address of the secondary WINS server used to resolve Windows host names.You must have the correct WINS address configured if you are using a shared folder for communica-tion.NOTEThis field only displays on the Wired LAN Settings screen.Operator Manual 12.5 Communication Setup2053535-002 Revision T MAC 2000 ECG Analysis System 133/198