4-12 N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System GE Multilin4.2 EXTENDED ENERVISTA UR SETUP FEATURES 4 HUMAN INTERFACES41. The transfer date of a setting file written to a N60 is logged in the relay and can be viewed via EnerVista UR Setup orthe front panel display. Likewise, the transfer date of a setting file saved to a local PC is logged in EnerVista UR Setup.2. Comparing the dates stored in the relay and on the settings file at any time in the future will indicate if any changeshave been made to the relay configuration since the settings file was saved.a) SETTINGS FILE TRACEABILITY INFORMATIONThe serial number and file transfer date are saved in the settings files when they sent to a N60 device.The N60 serial number and file transfer date are included in the settings file device definition within the EnerVista UR Setupoffline window as shown in the example below.Figure 4–12: DEVICE DEFINITION SHOWING TRACEABILITY DATAThis information is also available in printed settings file reports as shown in the example below.Figure 4–13: SETTINGS FILE REPORT SHOWING TRACEABILITY DATATraceability data in settingsfile device definition842863A1.CDRTraceability datain settings report842862A1.CDR