5-120 N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System GE Multilin5.5 FLEXLOGIC™ 5 SETTINGS5The summator performs the following operation:(EQ 5.8)where: X represents the programmed input of summator N (determined by the SUMMATOR N INPUT1(6) settings);S represents the programmed scale of summator N (determined by the SUMMATOR N SCALE 1(6) settings);P represents the programmed position of summator N (determined by the SUMMATOR N POS1(6) settings).The resulting Y value can be set as absolute or signed, allowing switching between the signed and absolute values of thesummator.A user-programmable threshold is available to compare the Y value with a constant when driving the output operand:(EQ 5.9)where: Op is an output FlexLogic™ operand (for example, SUMMATOR 1 OP );D is the user-programmable threshold (for example, SUMMATOR 1 PICKUP);Y is the operating value derived earlier (for example, SUMMATOR 1 OUTPUT)The Y value becomes a FlexAnalog parameter itself. As such, it can be used by other summators, FlexElements™, anduser-programmable displays.The settings for summator 1 are described below. The description applies to all six summators.• SUMMATOR 1 FUNCTION: When set to “Enabled”, this setting allows summator functionality.• SUMMATOR 1 INPUT MODE: This setting how the output data is formatted. When set to “Signed”, the sign (positive/negative) of the input data summation remains intact. When set to “Absolute”, the absolute value of the summation isused as the output value.• SUMMATOR 1 HOLD: The output value to the summator is frozen when the FlexLogic™ operand assigned to this set-ting is active (on).• SUMMATOR 1 PICKUP: When the output value of the summator is greater than the value assigned to this setting, theSUMMATOR 1 OP FlexLogic operand is activated (set to on).• SUMMATOR 1 HYSTERESIS: When the output value of the summator falls below the SUMMATOR 1 PICKUP – SUMMA-TOR 1 HYSTERESIS value, the SUMMATOR 1 OP FlexLogic™ operand is deactivated (set to off). For example, if the SUM-MATOR 1 PICKUP is “1.000” and the SUMMATOR 1 HYSTERESIS is “3.0%”, then the SUMMATOR 1 OP FlexLogic operand isset to off when the resultant output value falls below 0.970.• SUMMATOR 1 UNITS: This setting creates a character label for the summator output value display.• SUMMATOR 1 PU BASE: This setting defines the per-unit base factor when using the SUMMATOR 1 OUTPUT FlexAn-alog™ quantity in other N60 features, such as FlexElements™. This value is used to normalize the SUMMATOR 1 OUT-PUT FlexAnalog™ quantity (that is, change it to a per-unit quantity). Refer to the FlexElements™ section for additionaldetails on per-unit base values.• SUMMATOR 1 INPUT1(6): These settings select the FlexAnalog quantity to use as a summator input.• SUMMATOR 1 SCALE1(6): These settings apply a scale factor to their corresponding FlexAnalog input quantity as itis evaluated.• SUMMATOR 1 POS1(6): These settings determines if a selected input is used during an evaluation of the summationprocess. When the FlexLogic™ operand selected by this setting is activated (set to on), the summator will use the SUM-MATOR 1 INPUT item multiplied by it's corresponding SUMMATOR 1 SCALE setting and apply it to the resultant output.• SUMMATOR 1 EVENTS: This setting is used to generate events for the summator. The SUMMATOR 1 OPERATE eventis created on the rising edge of the SUMMATOR 1 OP FlexLogic™ operand.Y P1S1X1 P2S2X2 … P6S6X6+ + +=Op Y D>( )≡ or Op abs Y( ) D>( )≡