6-6 N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System GE Multilin6.2 STATUS 6 ACTUAL VALUES6For form-A contact outputs, the state of the voltage and current detectors is displayed as Off, VOff, IOff,On, IOn, and VOn. For form-C contact outputs, the state is displayed as Off or On.6.2.7 VIRTUAL OUTPUTSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS VIRTUAL OUTPUTSThe present state of up to 96 virtual outputs is shown here. The first line of a message display indicates the ID of the virtualoutput. For example, ‘Virt Op 1’ refers to the virtual output in terms of the default name-array index. The second line of thedisplay indicates the logic state of the virtual output, as calculated by the FlexLogic™ equation for that output.6.2.8 REMOTE DEVICESa) STATUSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS REMOTE DEVICES STATUSThe present state of the programmed remote devices is shown here. The ALL REMOTE DEVICES ONLINE message indicateswhether or not all programmed remote devices are online. If the corresponding state is "No", then at least one requiredremote device is not online.b) STATISTICSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS REMOTE DEVICES STATISTICS REMOTE DEVICE 1(16)Statistical data (two types) for up to 16 programmed remote devices is shown here.The StNum number is obtained from the indicated remote device and is incremented whenever a change of state of atleast one DNA or UserSt bit occurs. The SqNum number is obtained from the indicated remote device and is incrementedwhenever a GSSE message is sent. This number will rollover to zero when a count of 4 294 967 295 is incremented. VIRTUAL OUTPUTSVirt Op 1OffRange: On, OffMESSAGE Virt Op 2OffRange: On, Off↓MESSAGE Virt Op 96OffRange: On, Off REMOTE DEVICES STATUSAll REMOTE DEVICESONLINE: NoRange: Yes, NoMESSAGE REMOTE DEVICE 1STATUS: OfflineRange: Online, OfflineMESSAGE REMOTE DEVICE 2STATUS: OfflineRange: Online, Offline↓MESSAGE REMOTE DEVICE 16STATUS: OfflineRange: Online, Offline REMOTE DEVICE 1REMOTE DEVICE 1StNum: 0MESSAGE REMOTE DEVICE 1SqNum: 0NOTE