GE Multilin N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System 6-196 ACTUAL VALUES 6.3 METERING6The metered frequency values are displayed in this menu. The "SRC 1" text will be replaced by whatever name was pro-grammed by the user for the associated source (see SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP SIGNAL SOURCES).SOURCE FREQUENCY is measured via software-implemented zero-crossing detection of an AC signal. The signal is either aClarke transformation of three-phase voltages or currents, auxiliary voltage, or ground current as per source configuration(see the SYSTEM SETUP POWER SYSTEM settings). The signal used for frequency estimation is low-pass filtered. Thefinal frequency measurement is passed through a validation filter that eliminates false readings due to signal distortions andtransients.6.3.3 SENSITIVE DIRECTIONAL POWERPATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING SENSITIVE DIRECTIONAL POWERThe effective operating quantities of the sensitive directional power elements are displayed here. The display may be usefulto calibrate the feature by compensating the angular errors of the CTs and VTs with the use of the RCA and CALIBRATIONsettings.6.3.4 SYNCHROCHECKPATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING SYNCHROCHECK SYNCHROCHECK 1(2)The actual values menu for synchrocheck 2 is identical to that of synchrocheck 1. If a synchrocheck function setting is "Dis-abled", the corresponding actual values menu item will not be displayed.6.3.5 TRACKING FREQUENCYPATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING TRACKING FREQUENCYThe tracking frequency is displayed here. The frequency is tracked based on the selection of the reference source with theFREQUENCY AND PHASE REFERENCE setting in the SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP POWER SYSTEM menu. Refer to thePower System section of chapter 5 for additional details.6.3.6 FLEXELEMENTS™PATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING FLEXELEMENTS FLEXELEMENT 1(16)The operating signals for the FlexElements™ are displayed in pu values using the following definitions of the base units. SENSITIVE DIRECTIONAL POWERDIRECTIONAL POWER 13Φ: 0.000 WMESSAGE DIRECTIONAL POWER 23Φ: 0.000 W SYNCHROCHECK 1SYNCHROCHECK 1 DELTAVOLT: 0.000 VMESSAGE SYNCHROCHECK 1 DELTAPHASE: 0.0°MESSAGE SYNCHROCHECK 1 DELTAFREQ: 0.00 Hz TRACKING FREQUENCYTRACKING FREQUENCY:60.00 Hz FLEXELEMENT 1FLEXELEMENT 1OpSig: 0.000 pu