GE Multilin N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System B-25APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGB409B DNP Channel 2 Port 0 to 5 --- 1 F177 0 (None)409C DNP Address 0 to 65519 --- 1 F001 1409E DNP Client Addresses (2 items) 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F003 040A3 TCP Port Number for the Modbus Protocol 1 to 65535 --- 1 F001 50240A4 TCP/UDP Port Number for the DNP Protocol 1 to 65535 --- 1 F001 2000040A5 TCP Port Number for the HTTP (Web Server) Protocol 1 to 65535 --- 1 F001 8040A6 Main UDP Port Number for the TFTP Protocol 1 to 65535 --- 1 F001 6940A7 Data Transfer UDP Port Numbers for the TFTP Protocol(zero means “automatic”) (2 items)0 to 65535 --- 1 F001 040A9 DNP Unsolicited Responses Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)40AA DNP Unsolicited Responses Timeout 0 to 60 s 1 F001 540AB DNP Unsolicited Responses Maximum Retries 1 to 255 --- 1 F001 1040AC DNP Unsolicited Responses Destination Address 0 to 65519 --- 1 F001 140AD Ethernet Operation Mode 0 to 1 --- 1 F192 1 (Full-Duplex)40AE DNP Current Scale Factor 0 to 8 --- 1 F194 2 (1)40AF DNP Voltage Scale Factor 0 to 8 --- 1 F194 2 (1)40B0 DNP Power Scale Factor 0 to 8 --- 1 F194 2 (1)40B1 DNP Energy Scale Factor 0 to 8 --- 1 F194 2 (1)40B2 DNP Power Scale Factor 0 to 8 --- 1 F194 2 (1)40B3 DNP Other Scale Factor 0 to 8 --- 1 F194 2 (1)40B4 DNP Current Default Deadband 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040B6 DNP Voltage Default Deadband 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040B8 DNP Power Default Deadband 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040BA DNP Energy Default Deadband 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040BC DNP Power Factor Default Deadband 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040BE DNP Other Default Deadband 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040C0 DNP IIN Time Synchronization Bit Period 1 to 10080 min 1 F001 144040C1 DNP Message Fragment Size 30 to 2048 --- 1 F003 24040C2 DNP Client Address 3 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F003 040C4 DNP Client Address 4 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F003 040C6 DNP Client Address 5 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F003 040C8 DNP Number of Paired Binary Output Control Points 0 to 32 --- 1 F001 040C9 DNP TCP Connection Timeout 10 to 7200 s 1 F001 12040CA DNP Communications Reserved (22 items) 0 to 1 --- 1 F001 040E0 TCP Port Number for the IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol 1 to 65535 --- 1 F001 240440E1 IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)40E2 IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Common Address of ASDU 0 to 65535 --- 1 F001 040E3 IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Cyclic Data Transmit Period 1 to 65535 s 1 F001 6040E4 IEC 60870-5-104 Current Default Threshold 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040E6 IEC 60870-5-104 Voltage Default Threshold 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040E8 IEC 60870-5-104 Power Default Threshold 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040EA IEC 60870-5-104 Energy Default Threshold 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040EC IEC 60870-5-104 Power Default Threshold 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040EE IEC 60870-5-104 Other Default Threshold 0 to 100000000 --- 1 F003 3000040F0 IEC 60870-5-104 Client Address (5 items) 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F003 04104 IEC 60870-5-104 Redundancy Port Enabled/Disabled 0 to 1 --- 1 F126 0 (No)4105 IEC Communications Reserved (57 items) 0 to 1 --- 1 F001 0413E High Enet Traffic Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)413F High Enet Traffic Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)4140 DNP Object 1 Default Variation 1 to 2 --- 1 F001 24141 DNP Object 2 Default Variation 1 to 3 --- 1 F001 24142 DNP Object 20 Default Variation 0 to 3 --- 1 F523 0 (1)4143 DNP Object 21 Default Variation 0 to 3 --- 1 F524 0 (1)4144 DNP Object 22 Default Variation 0 to 3 --- 1 F523 0 (1)Table B–10: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 17 of 62)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT