5-194 N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System GE Multilin5.8 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS 5 SETTINGS5The direct analog outputs share the direct input and output settings for device ID, data rate, ring configuration, and channelcrossover.• ANALOG 1 VALUE: This setting selects the FlexAnalog parameter used to drive the associated direct analog output.• ANALOG 1 DEADBAND: This setting specifies the deadband value used to trigger transmission of the associateddirect analog output. This value is stored as an IEEE 754 / IEC 60559 floating-point number. Because of the largerange for this setting, not all values can be stored – some values may be rounded to the closest possible floating pointnumber.• ANALOG 1 TRIGGER: This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand used to trigger the transmission of the associateddirect analog output. Transmission occurs on the rising edge of the operand. The operand must transition from 0 to 1and remain at a value of 1 for at least one power system cycle to ensure detection of the rising edge and transmissionof the associated direct analog output.c) DIRECT ANALOG INPUTSPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS DIRECT ANALOGS DIRECT ANALOG INPUTS DIRECT ANALOG 1(32) INPUTThe direct analogs feature allows the transmission of analog values between any two UR-series relays supporting the fea-ture. The communication channel is the same as that used for the direct inputs and outputs feature. When the direct inputs/outputs and direct analog features are used together on the same channel, the UR-series relays must all be using firmwareversion 5.20 or higher.The settings for direct analog input 1 are described below. The description applies to all 32 direct analog inputs.• DIRECT ANALOG 1 DEVICE ID: This value selects the source of the direct analog 1 input. Direct analog input 1 isdriven by the device programmed in this setting.• DIRECT ANALOG 1 NUMBER: This value specifies which input to extract the value for the direct analog 1 input.Direct analog input 1 is driven by the input programmed in this setting. This setting value corresponds to the direct ana-log output number of the sending device.• DIRECT ANALOG 1 DEFAULT: This setting specifies the value of direct analog input 1 when the associated directdevice is offline and the DIRECT ANALOG 1 DEFAULT MODE is set to “Default Value”. When the associated direct device isoffline and the default mode is set to “Last Known”, the value of direct analog input 1 remains at the last received value.This value is stored as an IEEE 754 / IEC 60559 floating-point number. Because of the large range for this setting, notall values can be stored – some values may be rounded to the closest possible floating point number.• DIRECT ANALOG 1 UNITS: This setting provides a four-character string that is used in the direct analog input 1 actualvalues display.• DIRECT ANALOG 1 PU: This setting defines the per-unit base factor when using the DIRECT ANALOG INPUT 1 ACTUALFlexAnalog™ value in other N60 features, such as FlexElements™. This value is used to normalize the direct analoginput 1 FlexAnalog™ quantity to its per-unit base. Refer to the FlexElements™ section for additional details on per-unitbase values. DIRECT ANALOG 1 INPUTDIRECT ANALOG 1DEVICE: 0Range: 0 to 16 in steps of 1MESSAGE DIRECT ANALOG 1NUMBER: 0Range: 0 to 32 in steps of 1MESSAGE ANALOG 1 DEFAULT:1000.000Range: –1000000000.000 to 1000000000.000 in stepsof 0.001MESSAGE ANALOG 1 DEFAULTMODE: Default ValueRange: Default Value, Last KnownMESSAGE DIRECT ANALOG 1UNITS: unitRange: four alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE DIRECT ANALOG 1 PU:1Range: 0 to 2000000 in steps of 1