GE Multilin N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System 5-1035 SETTINGS 5.5 FLEXLOGIC™5ELEMENT:Power swing detectPOWER SWING OUTERPOWER SWING MIDDLEPOWER SWING INNERPOWER SWING BLOCKPOWER SWING TMR2 PKPPOWER SWING TMR3 PKPPOWER SWING TMR4 PKPPOWER SWING TRIPPOWER SWING 50DDPOWER SWING INCOMINGPOWER SWING OUTGOINGPOWER SWING UN/BLOCKPositive-sequence impedance in outer characteristicPositive-sequence impedance in middle characteristicPositive-sequence impedance in inner characteristicPower swing blocking element operatedPower swing timer 2 picked upPower swing timer 3 picked upPower swing timer 4 picked upOut-of-step tripping operatedThe power swing element detected a disturbance other than power swingAn unstable power swing has been detected (incoming locus)An unstable power swing has been detected (outgoing locus)Asserted when power swing is detected and de-asserted when a fault duringpower swing occursELEMENT:Selector switchSELECTOR 1 POS YSELECTOR 1 BIT 0SELECTOR 1 BIT 1SELECTOR 1 BIT 2SELECTOR 1 STP ALARMSELECTOR 1 BIT ALARMSELECTOR 1 ALARMSELECTOR 1 PWR ALARMSelector switch 1 is in Position Y (mutually exclusive operands)First bit of the 3-bit word encoding position of selector 1Second bit of the 3-bit word encoding position of selector 1Third bit of the 3-bit word encoding position of selector 1Position of selector 1 has been pre-selected with the stepping up controlinput but not acknowledgedPosition of selector 1 has been pre-selected with the 3-bit control input butnot acknowledgedPosition of selector 1 has been pre-selected but not acknowledgedPosition of selector switch 1 is undetermined or restored from memory whenthe relay powers up and synchronizes to the three-bit inputSELECTOR 2 Same set of operands as shown above for SELECTOR 1ELEMENT:Setting groupSETTING GROUP ACT 1SETTING GROUP ACT 2SETTING GROUP ACT 3SETTING GROUP ACT 4SETTING GROUP ACT 5SETTING GROUP ACT 6Setting group 1 is activeSetting group 2 is activeSetting group 3 is activeSetting group 4 is activeSetting group 5 is activeSetting group 6 is activeELEMENT:DisturbancedetectorSRC1 50DD OPSRC2 50DD OPSRC3 50DD OPSRC4 50DD OPSRC5 50DD OPSRC6 50DD OPSource 1 disturbance detector has operatedSource 2 disturbance detector has operatedSource 3 disturbance detector has operatedSource 4 disturbance detector has operatedSource 5 disturbance detector has operatedSource 6 disturbance detector has operatedELEMENT:VTFF (Voltagetransformer fusefailure)SRC1 VT FUSE FAIL OPSRC1 VT FUSE FAIL DPOSRC1 VT FUSE FAIL VOL LOSSSource 1 VT fuse failure detector has operatedSource 1 VT fuse failure detector has dropped outSource 1 has lost voltage signals (V2 below 15% AND V1 below 5%of nominal)SRC2 VT FUSE FAIL to SRC6 Same set of operands as shown for SRC1 VT FUSE FAILELEMENT:SummatorSUMMATOR 1 OPSUMMATOR 2 OP↓SUMMATOR 6 OPThe summator 1 result is greater than the summator 1 pickupThe summator 2 result is greater than the summator 2 pickup↓The summator 6 result is greater than the summator 6 pickupTable 5–8: N60 FLEXLOGIC™ OPERANDS (Sheet 4 of 7)OPERAND TYPE OPERAND SYNTAX OPERAND DESCRIPTION