9 - AUX PAGES177Setup 1 Pageless than 500 feet above or below an airspace andprojected to enter it, you will be notified with analert message. The default setting is 200 feet.Units / Position — allows you to configure thedisplayed data to standard or metric units of mea-sure. This setting applies to distance, speed, alti-tude, fuel, pressure and temperature. Also providedare two magnetic variation (heading) options: Autoor True. If “Auto” is selected, all track, course andheading information is corrected to the magneticvariation computed by the GPS receiver. The “True”setting references all information to true north.Use the Units / Position Page to switchdistance and speed measurements betweenNautical, Statute and Metric units.Configuration settings for position format and mapdatum are also provided. Position formats includelatitude/longitude, MGRS and UTM/UPS. TheNavData® card uses the WGS 84 map datum toconform to WAAS requirements.Date / Time — provides settings for time format(local or UTC; 12- or 24-hour) and time offset. Thetime offset is used to define current local time. UTC(also called “GMT” or “zulu”) date and time are cal-culated directly from the GPS satellites’ signals andcannot be changed. If you prefer to use local time,simply designate the offset by adding or subtractingthe correct number of hours.Not all time zones are offset from UTC by a wholenumber of hours (e.g., Newfoundland, CentralAustralia, India, Iraq, ...)The Date / Time Page allows you to displaytime information (such as ETA) in UTC (zulu)or local time.Display Backlight — allows you to adjust thedisplay for optimum viewing in any condition.Automatic backlighting is available which uses abuilt-in photocell (at the top right corner of the dis-play bezel) to make the proper display adjustmentswithout any user intervention. You may selectmanual control of the display backlighting to tailorthe 500W-series unit display to your needs.NOTE: Display backlighting changes are notsaved when the 500W-series unit is turned off.Backlighting reverts to the “Auto” setting thenext time the unit is turned on.Nearest Airport Criteria — defines the mini-mum runway length and surface type used whendetermining the 25 nearest airports to display onthe Nearest Airport Page. A minimum runwaylength and/or surface type may be entered toprevent airports with small runways, or runwaysthat are not of appropriate surface, from being dis-played. The default settings are “0 feet (or meters)”