4 - FLIGHT PLANS66To delete a waypoint from an existing flight plan:1. Press FPL and turn the small right knob todisplay the Flight Plan .2. Press the small right knob to activate thecursor.3. Turn the large right knob to highlight thedesired flight plan and press ENT.4. Turn the large right knob to select thewaypoint you wish to delete and press CLR todisplay a “REMOVE WAYPOINT” confirmationwindow.Highlight the waypoint you wish to deleteand press CLR to display the “REMOVEWAYPOINT” confirmation window.5. With “Yes” highlighted, press ENT to removethe waypoint.6. Once all changes have been made, press thesmall right knob to return to the Flight PlanCatalog.A one-line user comment may be added to anyflight plan and is displayed on the Flight Plan Catalog,next to the flight plan number. By default, as the flightplan is being created, the comment shows the first andlast waypoints in the flight plan.To change the comment line for an existing flightplan:The comment line at the top of the pagecan be edited to change the name/commentassigned to the flight plan.1. From the Flight Plan Catalog, press the smallright knob to activate the cursor.2. Turn the large right knob to highlight thedesired flight plan and press ENT.3. Turn the large right knob to select the com-ment line at the top of the screen.4. Use the small and large right knobs to enterthe new comment. Press ENT when finished.5. Once all changes have been made, press thesmall right knob to return to the Flight PlanCatalog.Editing Flight Plans