INTRODUCTIONiiiAccessories and Packing ListCongratulations on choosing the world’s finestpanel-mounted IFR navigation/communication system!The 500W-series represents Garmin’s continued com-mitment to providing you with the most advancedtechnology available today — in an accurate, easy-to-use design suitable for all of your flying needs.NOTE: Unless otherwise specified within this manual,the term "500W-series" applies to the GPS 500W,GNS 530W, and GNS 530AW models. Please, notethat the difference between the GNS 530W and GNS530AW is indicated under "VHF COM Performance"in the Specifications section of this manual (seeAppendix B).Before installing and getting started with your newsystem, please ensure that your package includes thefollowing items. If any parts are missing or are dam-aged, please contact your Garmin dealer.Standard Package:• Garmin 500W-series Unit• NavData® Card• Terrain Card• GPS Antenna• Installation Rack & Connectors• Pilot’s Guide• Quick Reference• 400W/500W Series Display InterfacesAddendum• 400W/500W Series Garmin Optional DisplayInterfaces Addendum• GNS 400W/500W-series Simulator TrainingCD-ROM• Database Subscription Packet• Warranty Registration CardUpgrade Package:• Garmin 500W-series Unit• NavData® Card• Terrain Card - Optional• GPS Antenna• Pilot’s Guide & Reference• Quick Reference• 400W/500W Series Display InterfacesAddendum• 400W/500W Series Garmin Optional DisplayInterfaces Addendum• GNS 400W/500W-series Simulator TrainingCD-ROM• Database Subscription Packet• Warranty Registration CardYour Garmin dealer will perform the installationand configuration of your new 500W-series. Afterinstallation, the NavData® card will already be installedinto the correct slot on the front of the unit (seeAppendix A). The 500W-series will be secured in theinstallation rack with the proper wiring connections.Have your dealer answer any questions you may haveabout the installation — such as location of antennasor any connections to other equipment in the panel.Accessories and Packing List