If this option is chosen, the following screen is displayed:Do you wish to:1. Make the rack/system indicator blink/reset the state2. Clear all lightpath LEDs98. Return to Previous Menu1>>If option 1 is chosen, the rack indicator/system attention LED can be set or reset(turned on or off).If option 2 is chosen, the LEDs on the lightpath LED panel can be cleared (turnedoff).Note: The system fault/system identify LED can also be set and reset using tasks inthe AIX Service Aids.Language Selection MenuThe service processor menus and messages are available in different languages. Thismenu allows selecting languages in which service processor and system firmwaremenus and messages display.LANGUAGE SELECTION MENU1. English2. Francais3. Deutsch4. Italiano5. Espanol6. Svenska98. Return to Previous Menu99. Exit from Menus1>Note: Your ASCII terminal must support the ISO-8859 character set to correctly displaylanguages other than English.Chapter 7. Using the Service Processor 199