Acoustical Noise EmissionsThe equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level at workstations (emissionsound pressure level at the 1-meter bystander positions) does not exceed 70 dB(A).Der Geräuschpegel der Einheit ist kleiner oder gleich 70 db(A).Declared Acoustical Noise EmissionsProductConfigurationDeclared A-Weighted Sound PowerLevel,LWAd (B)Declared A-Weighted SoundPressure Level, (dB) at 1meter Bystander PositionOperating Idling Operating IdlingModel 6E1 6.1 6.1 44 43Model 6C1 6.2 5.9 46 44Notes:1. LWAd is the declared (upper limit) sound power level for a random sample of machines. (1B =10dB)2. LpAm is the mean value of the A-weighted sound pressure level at the 1-meter bystanderpositions for a random sample of machines.3. All measurements made in conformance with ISO 7779 and declared in conformance withISO 9296.4. System Configurationsv Model 6E1: 1 processor, 2 hard filesv Model 6C1: 2 processors, 7 hard files, 3 power supplies318 Service Guide