1. If your system does not have a redundant (third) power supply installed, turn off thepower to the system and peripheral devices. Otherwise, go to the next step.2. To remove the power supply (1):a. Unplug the power cord connector from the power supply.Attention: Be careful when you remove the hot-swap power supply; the powersupply might be too hot to handle comfortably.b. Remove the defective power supply by placing the handle (5) on the powersupply in the open position (perpendicular to the power supply) and pulling thepower supply from the bay.3. If you are not replacing the power supply:a. Install a power-supply filler panel (2).Note: During normal operation, each power-supply bay must have either apower supply or filler panel installed for proper cooling.b. Open the cable-restraint bracket (3) and remove the power cord from thecable-restraint bracket. Close the cable-restraint bracket.c. Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.ReplacementNote: If a power supply is being replaced for a redundant failure, after the servicerepair action is completed, ask the customer to check the crontab file for anypower/cooling warning messages. When a power or cooling error is encountered,AIX adds an entry to the crontab file to ″wall″ a warning message every 12hours, alerting/reminding the customer of the problem. Replacing the faulty partdoes not clear this crontab entry, so unless the crontab file is edited to removethis entry, the customer will continue to be reminded of the failure despite it’shaving been repaired. The AIX command crontab -l reads the crontab file todetermine if an entry exists. The crontab -e command edits the file.284 Service Guide