Select Boot OptionsUse this screen to view and set various options regarding the operating system andboot sequence.Multiboot Menu1 Select Software2 Software Default3 Select Install Device4 Select Boot Device5 Multiboot Startup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Navigator keys:M = return to main menuESC key = return to previous screen X = eXit System Management Services--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigator key: _Select Software: This option is used when more than one operating system is installedon the same disk drive. AIX does not support multiple operating systems on a singledisk drive. Multiple AIX images can be installed on separate disk drives; the desireddisk drive can be selected for booting using the Select Boot Device function in SystemManagement Services or the AIX diagnostic service aid Display or Change Bootlist.If Select Software is chosen from this menu, a line similar to the following is displayed:–> 1 AIX 5.1.0 <-This indicates the current version of AIX that is installed on the system. If a 1 isentered, the system will boot AIX.If you are running on AIX and you receive the following message:No Operating System Installedthis indicates that information in nonvolatile storage could have been lost, as wouldhappen if the battery had been removed. To re-create this value, run the Select BootDevice option on this menu.The AIX Documentation library is available at the following Web address: AIX documentation is alsocontained on the AIX Documentation CD. The documentation is made accessible byloading the documentation CD onto the hard disk or by mounting the CD in theCD-ROM drive.Chapter 8. Using System Management Services 247