Service Processor Firmware UpdatesAttention: Only the service processor firmware can be updated from the serviceprocessor menus; the system firmware cannot be updated from the service processormenus. A service processor firmware update always requires a companion systemfirmware update, which must be applied first. For this reason, updating only the serviceprocessor firmware using the service processor menus is not recommended. See theWeb site at to download the latest firmwarelevels and update instructions.The service processor firmware update image must be written onto a DOS-formatteddiskette. The update image can be obtained from the following Web site: the update diskette has been made, from the service processor main menu, selectService Processor Setup. Then select Reprogram Service Processor FlashEPROM. The program requests the update diskette(s) as they are needed. The serviceprocessor will automatically reboot after the firmware update is complete.Service Processor Error LogThe service processor error log contains information about errors reported by theservice processor.Error Log19991118165344 1. 4B276851 CPU BIST fail detectedFRUs to replace: P1-C1Press "C" to clear error log, any other key to continue. >The time stamp in this error log is coordinated universal time (UTC), also known asGreenwich mean time (GMT). AIX error logs have more information available and areable to time stamp with local time.212 Service Guide