Serial Port Speed Setup MenuThis menu allows you to set serial port speed to enhance terminal performance or toaccommodate modem capabilities.Serial Port Speed Setup Menu1. Serial port 1 speed:Currently 96002. Serial port 2 speed:Currently 960098. Return to Previous MenuA speed of 9600 baud or higher is recommended. Valid serial port speeds are asfollows:50 600 480075 1200 7200110 2000 9600134 2400 19200150 2400 57600300 3600 115200Telephone Number Setup MenuUse this menu to set or change the telephone numbers for reporting a system failure.Telephone Number Setup Menu1. Service Center Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned2. Customer Administration Center Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned3. Digital Pager Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned4. Customer Voice Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned5. Customer System Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned98. Return to Previous Menu1>v Service Center Telephone Number is the number of the service center computer.The service center usually includes a computer that takes calls from systems withcall-out capability. This computer is referred to as thecatcher. The catcher expectsmessages in a specific format to which the service processor conforms. Contact yourservice provider for the correct service center telephone number to enter here. For202 Service Guide