2. For fan assemblies 2, 3, and 4, you must remove the service access cover. See“Covers” on page 258.Attention: To ensure proper system cooling, do not remove the service accesscover for more than 30 minutes during this procedure.3. Determine which of the following fan assemblies to replace by checking the fanLEDs on the diagnostic LED panel (see “Attention LED and Lightpath LEDs” onpage 28) and the LEDs located on the fan assemblies.v Fan assembly 1 (1)v Fan assembly 2 (4)v Fan assembly 3 (9)v Fan assembly 4 (12)4. If you are removing fan assembly 2, you must remove the processor and memorycard cover. See “Processor and Memory Card Cover” on page 264.5. If you are removing fan assembly 1 or fan assembly 2, pull out the snap button andremove the fan.If you are removing fan assembly 3 or fan assembly 4, press the orange releaselatch (9), or (12) for the fan and pull the fan away from the system.ReplacementNote: If a fan assembly is being replaced for a redundant failure, after the servicerepair action is completed, ask the customer to check the crontab file for anypower/cooling warning messages. When a power or cooling error is encountered,AIX adds an entry to the crontab file to ″wall″ a warning message every 12hours, alerting/reminding the customer of the problem. Replacing the faulty partdoes not clear this crontab entry, so unless the crontab file is edited to removethis entry, the customer will continue to be reminded of the failure despite it’shaving been repaired. The AIX command crontab -l reads the crontab file todetermine if an entry exists. The crontab -e command edits the file.1. Slide the replacement fan assembly into the system until it clicks into place.2. Replace the service access cover. See “Covers” on page 258.302 Service Guide