Chapter4IBM SPSS Data Collection SurveyTabulation, IBM SPSS Data CollectionSurvey Reporter Server Edition, andIBM SPSS Data Collection AuthorServer Edition installation informationIBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS DataCollection Survey Reporter Server Edition, and IBM SPSS DataCollection Author Server Edition installation overviewTo install IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM® SPSS® Data CollectionSurvey Reporter Server Edition, or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author Server Edition:E If you have not already done so, verify you have the correct hardware and software: See What you need to run the IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6.0.1 applications to verifyyou meet the minimum hardware and software requirements. If necessary, install the required software.E Create the users and the user group. For more information, see the topic Creating the users andthe user group on p. 109.E If running Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server Edition through afirewall, open ports on the firewall.E Install Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server Edition. For moreinformation, see the topic Installing IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSSData Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition, or IBM SPSS Data Collection Author ServerEdition on p. 114.E Carry out any post-installation steps necessary for your installation.For a full checklist of these steps, see Checklist for IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation,IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition, and IBM SPSS Data CollectionAuthor Server Edition installation.Licensed Materials - Property of IBM © CopyrightIBM Corporation 2000, 2011101