64Chapter 3Select the Configure multiple instances for the Web, Accessory, and Interviewing tiers option if youwant to configure multiple virtual directories, session engines, and Web services. Depending onwhat you chose to install on the Select Features page, you may be presented with a combination ofthe Interviewer Server Administration Virtual Directory Configuration, Interview Session EngineConfiguration, and Interview Web Service Configuration dialogs.If you selected to install any of the following features, you are presented with the InterviewerServer Administration Virtual Directory Configuration dialog that provides options for configuringthe number of virtual directories that will be installed per server: Accessories Service Phone Interviews Remote Administration Survey Tabulation Survey Reporter Server Edition Author Server EditionIf you selected to install the Interview Service feature, the Interview Session EngineConfiguration dialog displays and provides options for configuring the number of session enginesfor the selected Interviewer Servers.If you selected to install the Web Service feature, the Interview Web Service Configurationdialog displays and provides options for configuring the number of Web services for the selectedWeb servers.For more information, see the topic Virtual directory, session engine, and Web service registrationon p. 69.E The Permissions Settings page opens showing the names of the Running User and the IBM®SPSS® Data Collection Group specified in the site preparation file. Enter the password for theRunning User and click Next.E The Anonymous User page opens showing the name of the Anonymous User specified in the sitepreparation file. Enter the password for the Anonymous User and click Next.E On the DPM User Admin Details page, enter the user name and password for the IBM® SPSS®Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration Administrator that you specified when creatingthe site preparation file.E On the Internet Information Services (IIS) Configuration screen, the installation program detectsany web sites available on the installation machine and displays them in the drop-down list box.If you want to use a Web site other than the default for your IBM Corp. applications, selectit from the drop-down list.The default file location for the web site you have selected is displayed. If the installation programdetects a folder called SPSSMR within the web site folder structure, you are prompted to installthe files in this folder instead. If you want to install the files to a different location, click Browseand choose the folder you want to use.