122Chapter 4Adding rolesE In IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration, chooseTools > User AdministrationThe User Administration activity starts.E Click Roles.A list of current role names appears on the right of the screen.E In this frame click New Role....This opens the User Administration dialog box.E Complete the fields in the dialog box and click OK.E In the Add User\Project\Activity dialog box, select the users who will be members of this role.E Click OK to create the role with the selected users as members.Assigning activities to rolesOnce you create users and roles, you can decide which roles may use each activity.Some features of some activities have their own security settings. For example, while all usersmay be able to run an activity, you may be able to restrict access to certain features within theactivity to a subset of users. When you assign activities to roles, you are prompted to specifywhich activity features should be available to role members.When you assign activities to roles, always check whether the activity has security controlledfeatures and consider who needs access to these features. The default may be that no one exceptadministrators have access (which is probably not what you want). You may find that you need tocreate a separate role for these users.E In IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration, chooseTools > User AdministrationThe User Administration activity starts.E Click Activities.E Select an activity from the Activities tree.Click the Roles tab on the right of the page. The tab lists the roles currently assigned to theselected activity.E Click Add/Remove.This opens the Add Role dialog box.E Choose the roles you want to assign to this activity and click OK.