102Chapter 4Checklist for IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS Data CollectionSurvey Reporter Server Edition, and IBM SPSS Data Collection Author Server EditioninstallationPre-installation checksCheck hardware and software requirementsInstall required softwareMicrosoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or above or Firefox 3.x or aboveInternet Information ServicesSQL ServerMicrosoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (only on machines running IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey ReporterServer Edition or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author Server Edition).Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86 32-bit) (only on machines running Survey ReporterServer Edition or Author Server Edition).Create users and groupsCreate installing userCreate running userCreate anonymous access userCreate IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server EditiongroupOpen ports on firewallIf running Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server Edition through a firewall, openports on the firewallInstallationInstall Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server EditionPost-installationEnable access to chartingSet up users and roles in IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server AdministrationAdd ASP.NET account to launch permissions on Logbck02Allow remote access on Windows XP Service Pack 3