70Chapter 3 Survey Reporter Server Edition Author Server EditionWhen a cluster type installation is selected, the Machine Name list displays all Accessories,Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, and Author Server Edition servers definedin the cluster. On the remaining cluster machines, the Machine Name list will only display thecurrent machine name (the number of virtual directories can be configured separately on eachcluster machine). When a single-machine installation is selected, the machine list only displaysthe current machine name.E Select the appropriate machine names from the Machine Name list.E Enter the appropriate number of virtual directories for the selected Machine Name. You can enterany number in the range of 1 through 64.E Click Update to save your changes. The selected machine names are updated to work with thedefined number of virtual directories.Configuring multiple session enginesYou can configure multiple session engines in order to best utilize the memory on each IBM®SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server machine. When you select to install the InterviewService feature, the Interview Session Engine Configuration dialog displays and provides optionsfor configuring the number or session engines for the selected Interviewer Servers.When a cluster type installation is selected, the Machine Name list displays all Interview Serversdefined in the cluster. On the remaining cluster machines, the Machine Name list will only displaythe current machine name (the number of session engines can be configured separately on eachcluster machine). When a single-machine installation is selected, the machine list only displaysthe current machine name.E Select the appropriate machine names from the Machine Name list.E Enter the appropriate number of sessions engines for the selected Machine Name. You can enterany number in the range of 1 through 64.E Click Update to save your changes. The selected machine names are updated to work with thedefined number of session engines.In a cluster environment, if you do not want to manually modify the number of session engines oneach machine:1. Modify the cluster configuration on the primary server.2. On the remaining cluster machines, modify the installation according to the modified clusterconfiguration (defined on the primary server).You will need to manually update the session engine configuration on each Accessories Serverwhen the number of session engines is modified directly on each cluster machine.