79IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server installation informationE From the Windows Start menu, choose Run.E Type dcomcnfg in the text box and click OK.E In the left-hand frame, expand the display to show the following hierarchy:Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM ConfigE In the left-hand frame, right-click LogBck02 and select Properties.This opens the LogBckO2 Properties dialog box.E Select the Security tab.E In the Launch and Activation Permissions frame click Edit.This opens the Launch Permissions dialog box.E Click Add.This opens the Select Users or Groups dialog box.E Click Locations, and change the location to be your local machine. Then click OK.E Add ASPNET, and click OK.E In the Launch Permissions window, verify that Local Launch and Local Activation are allowed forthe ASPNET user and set them if they are not.E Close dcomcnfg.Adding IBM SPSS Data Collection Base Professional users to the IBM SPSS Data Collection groupIBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration and all theactivities that run within it write log files to the folders named in the Directorysetting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SPSS\DimensionNet\Log and\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SPSS\mrInterview\3\Log in the registry. The defaultfor both keys is [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer ServerAdministration\Logs. IBM® SPSS® Data Collection desktop applications such as IBM® SPSS®Data Collection Base Professional usually write their log files elsewhere.If you install a mixture of Interviewer Server Administration and desktop applications on amachine, it makes sense to have all the log files written to the same location, and the InterviewerServer Administration Logs folder becomes the central location for all log files. The productinstallation programs deal with this automatically, but there may be times when you need to makesome additional changes.Any user who is a member of the Data Collection group has permissions to write to files in theLogs folder. All Interviewer Server Administration activities are run by the anonymous user.The anonymous user is a member of the Data Collection group and therefore log messages canbe written by all Interviewer Server Administration activities. Desktop application users (forexample, users of Base Professional) are not necessarily members of this group and may not have