161TroubleshootingNote: Never clean a machine if there are IBM Corp. products installed on the machine. If youdelete files that are part of an installed product you may break the uninstallation procedure forthat product.Follow the steps in the checklist to clean the machine safely. If you are at all unsure about what todo contact your Support Representative for assistance.Where to Look What to DoInstalled Data Collection ProductsCheck Add/Remove Programs for any DataCollection products.Uninstall using the Remove option in Add/RemovePrograms.File locationsCommon files:C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Application files (default):[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Web files (default):C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMRCheck which files are present in each location.Common Files should contain only two or threefiles. If there are more, double check that allproducts have been uninstalled and, if so, delete thefiles.Application files will contain folders for projectsand log files. Delete these. Answer Yes when askedto confirm deletion of \SPSSMR_FMRoot.Web files will contain a few temporary and cachefolders. You can delete these.Global Assembly Cache (GAC)c:\WINDOWS\assemblyThis folder contains shared .NET assemblies. Deleteall the Data Collection files listed in the next table.If you see the message “Assembly Cache Viewer –Uninstall failed Assembly ‘AboutBox.resources’could not be uninstalled because it is required byother applications”, check again that there are noData Collection programs listed under Add/RemovePrograms. If not, continue with the clean-upchecklist.RegistryProduct keys:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SPSSHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SPSSShared DLL:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls.NET Global assembly:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Assemblies\GlobalBe very careful when editing the registry as deletingthe wrong keys may break the machine.Delete the product keys for IBM Corp..Under the Shared DDL key, delete any keysthat match the folder locations you deletedin the previous step; that is C:\ProgramFiles\Common Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\,[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\,and \Inetpub\wwwroot\SPSSMR.In the Global Assembly section, delete only the keyswhose names match those in the following table.Once you have done this, delete any Data Collectionfiles remaining in c:\WINDOWS\assembly (seeprevious step).Note: You will see other Data Collection entries inthe registry but they will not cause a reinstallationto fail, so there is no need to delete them.IISFrom Control Panel, select Administrative Tools,Internet Information Services.Under Application Pools you will see:SPSSDimensionNetPoolSPSSmrInterviewPoolUnder Web Sites, Your Website you will see:SPSSMRmrIWebmrIEngWSThe files that may be references in IIS have beendeleted already, so any virtual folders or applicationpools remaining in IIS will be tagged with an erroricon. For each application pool and virtual foldermentioned in the first column, select the folder anddelete it.