147TroubleshootingThe installation program fails with the message ‘Error 1608: Unable to createInstallDriver instance’This is an InstallShield problem that can happen for the following reasons: The Client for Microsoft Networks networking protocol is not installed on the machine onwhich you are trying to install IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server. If this ispart of your company’s security policy, install the protocol temporarily so that you can installInterviewer Server and then uninstall it. The dcomcnfg default security settings do not include the Installing User under the Launchand/or Default Access permissions. To set the necessary permissions, do the following:E Run dcomcnfg.E On the Default Security tab, click Edit Default in the Default Launch Permissions section.E Add the Installing User.E If necessary, make the same change in the Default Access Permissions section.E Click OK.How do I create an installation log file?If you are having problems installing the application and you cannot see from the existing errormessages what the problem is, you may be able to solve the problem by creating a log file as theinstallation procedure is running. To do this, you need to run the installation program manually,as follows:E Open a command prompt and go to the directory on the CD containing the installation program,IBMSPSSDataCollectionServer.exe.E To log just the application part of the installation, type: IBMSPSSDataCollectionServer.exe /V"/l*vlog_filename /i" where log_filename is the full pathname, including drive letter, of the log file youwant to create. To log the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administrationpart of the installation as well, type IBMSPSSDataCollectionServer.exe /V"/l*v log_filenameLOGDIM_INSTALL=TRUE /i". This will create a log file called C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Installer\Interviewer Server Administration\DimInstallLog.txt.If you still cannot resolve the problem, contact your support representative for assistance.I’ve installed a new application version and get errors when I try to select things fromthe menus in IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server AdministrationWhen you run applications from your browser, the browser maintains a number of temporary filesthat help it to keep track of what you have done and to run the application as efficiently as possible.Sometimes, when you install and run a different version of an application, your browser attemptsto reuse the information in the temporary files. If this no longer matches the way the applicationworks, errors will occur. You can solve this problem easily by deleting the temporary files.