6Chapter 1 A hard disk with at least 200MB of available disk space (space depends on the number ofprojects on the server). A graphics adapter with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher and a minimum 16-bit color qualitysetting. DVD-ROM drive required for installation.SoftwareFor Windows XP systems: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or above. For more information, see the topic InstallingMicrosoft Internet Explorer 8 or above or Firefox 3.x or above in Chapter 2 on p. 10. Firefox 3.x or above, with the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant add-on, is supported inthe web-deployed versions of IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author and IBM® SPSS® DataCollection Survey Reporter. You must manually install the Microsoft .NET FrameworkAssistant Add-on. For more information, see the topic Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer8 or above or Firefox 3.x or above in Chapter 2 on p. 10.Note: For best results, use Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or above. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86 32-bit). Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 (x86 32-bit or x64 64-bit) (required for exporting to MicrosoftWord, Excel or PowerPoint, or to HTML). Note that the IBM SPSS Data Collection 32-bitapplications will only function properly with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office; theIBM SPSS Data Collection 64-bit applications will only function properly with the 64-bitversion of Microsoft Office. For viewing charts, Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC) license (version 10 or later).Note that charts are not currently available when using the x64 64-bit IBM® SPSS® DataCollection applications.For Windows Vista or 7 systems: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or above. For more information, see the topic InstallingMicrosoft Internet Explorer 8 or above or Firefox 3.x or above in Chapter 2 on p. 10. Firefox 3.x or above, with the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant add-on, is supported inthe web-deployed versions of Author and Survey Reporter. You must manually install theMicrosoft .NET Framework Assistant Add-on. For more information, see the topic InstallingMicrosoft Internet Explorer 8 or above or Firefox 3.x or above in Chapter 2 on p. 10. Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 (x86 32-bit or x64 64-bit) (required for exporting to MicrosoftWord, Excel or PowerPoint, or to HTML). Note that the IBM SPSS Data Collection 32-bitapplications will only function properly with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office; theIBM SPSS Data Collection 64-bit applications will only function properly with the 64-bitversion of Microsoft Office. For viewing charts, Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC) license (version 10 or later).